Can Corona virus be killed?
The entire world is familiar with the havoc created by the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and yet there is no concrete cure to this deadly virus. Since this virus has rapidly spread in most of the colder regions of the world, it has led people to believe that the virus may tend to disappear as the summer months arrive. Speculations are that this virus may wane with the increase in the temperature i.e. in the warm weather, however, there is no staunch data or proof to back up this assumption. Usually, flu spreads during the cold winter months and tends to decrease its spread in the warm months. It is suggested that the coronavirus may be seasonal and there is hope that its spread may reduce as the temperature warms up. According to the research, it was found that there were various types of coronaviruses out of which three show the characteristics of having winter seasonality. However, one strain of the coronavirus found among patients having weak immunity systems has the tendenc...